About the Author

About Me

Shirley Kufeldt

Hi, I’m Shirley Kufeldt and I developed Bible Bites.  Your web search for something relating to Bible or Prayer landed you here at Bible Bites, so here’s my story.

Shirley Kufeldt grew up with her identical twin as the fourth and fifth daughters of five girls in a Chicago suburb. As a young girl I received a small white leather King James Bible from South (Baptist) Church on the south side of town.  I didn’t understand it.  I never read it and ultimately gave it to a thrift store.

Mom brought all the kids to church regularly—she said it was good for us. The only prayer I can recall was Grace before dinner, “God we thank you for this food. Amen.”  My father attended church just twice a year, Christmas and Easter.  You would call him a Chreaster.  As a young adult I felt no motivation to attend regular church service.

At age 25 I was married in South Church. Six years later when my daughter was one year of age I was compelled to resume regular church attendance at the local First Baptist Church in town and attended adult Sunday school for the first time in my life. It took me three years to finally understand what was in the Bible. Everyone suggested reading the Book of John.  I did and had this conversation in myself: “Am I a sinner?”  I didn’t know if I was or was not a sinner!  (Yes, I am a sinner.  Yes, you are too!)

Then I participated in the Discovery Class.  Using the book Lessons on Assurance it just took one Scripture spoken by Jesus to bring me to faith in Christ.  “Everyone who acknowledges Me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before My Father in Heaven. But everyone who denies Me here on earth, I will also deny before My Father in Heaven.”  Matt 10:32-33 (New Living Translation).

Whoa!  Up to that point I had not acknowledged Jesus as Lord and Savior of my life. But neither had I denied Him.  These 34 Words impacted me because Scripture demanded a decision!

At First Baptist Church the Pastor regularly made an “altar call” and I was compelled to go forward.  I cried and cried as two elders brought me into the Pastor’s study and asked me to recite the Sinner’s Prayer.  I acknowledged my sin, seeking the forgiveness of Jesus Christ Who had taken all penalty for my sins, past, present and future.  I was free from the weight and burden of my sins and cried for a week!  The conversion was immediate!  The transformation lasts forever!  I am repentant and redeemed but I still sin.  My ultimate transformation awaits in Heaven when I will no longer be tempted by sin!

Within a month I was baptized when First B held one of their regular baptism services.  As we waited our turn I told another young couple from the Discovery Class that this was the best decision I had ever made!

I’ve since attended Bible studies for over 40 years because of that one passage of Scripture, Matthew 10:32-33.

A particularly enlightening experience was participation in a Women’s Support Group for several years. I was pretty much the only one who regularly completed the assignments.  This was the response of others: Too much homework. Too challenging.  Too long.  Too detailed for most attendees.  Or not enough time to get it done.  Unfortunately, many never discovered how much God truly desires to guide their lives with wisdom, compassion and occasional discipline done in love for their spiritual growth.   Some showed up just once, for one month or just one study then gave up on what God wanted to do in their lives.

Over the years Spiritual Leaders have urged Christians to either write their timeline of faith or to journal their walk with God.  My personal results were unsatisfying.  Numerous attempts never had the intended result that was consistent or uplifting with purpose and direction.

I’ve always enjoyed taking photographs. (Whenever there’s a funeral, I usually have snapshots for the memory board!)  One morning a few years back I took early morning photos, one which I now call Son Shine Sunrise.

A year later I asked God what I could do to boost retirement income.  I had worked in offices for decades and excel at organization and administration. Plus, I streamline everything!   God gave me both the photo and the purpose to compile Bible Bites.  To simply organize Scripture in four small prayer journals.  I put Son Shine Sunrise on the cover of Meet God and His Son. He blessed me ahead of time to bring Him glory!

Bible Bites was developed for those who desire to make significant changes in their lives without the intimidation of where to start reading their Bible, or joining a Bible study that currently may be too challenging or participating in vulnerable group sessions, travel, time constraints, child-care arrangements, etc., etc., etc.

It’s easy and simple to develop a new habit and transform your prayer life!  With Bible Bites you read just one Scripture then write your response.  You can write a quick prayer.  Or you can just copy the verse,  then write God Please Help Me, AMEN!

God will meet you where you are!  No matter what was in your past, He desires to impact your future with His love and His best answers for your life’s circumstances.

In just four to six weeks God will bless you richly with His Presence as you read and spend time in His Word.